Shane has made it his mission, to reinforce at every opportunity, the critical impact of coaching. There are too many training dollars wasted on individual contributors! Not because the training is necessarily bad (though a lot of it is), but because the people leaders have had very little coaching and development themselves. This means that any upside in training the team is lost through ineffective or ill-intended coaching.
Although Shane includes coaching in all his training and development programs, many organisations benefit from specific targeted coaching of people leaders and individual contributors.
Check out some of the ways this can happen for you:
- Coaching people leaders on how to implement business plans and strategies
- Coaching leaders on building high performance teams, and implementing strategies to achieve those goals
- Teaching people how to coach their own people more effectively
- Coaching high performers to leverage their natural capabilities into business outcomes
- Specialised targeted coaching of your sales coaches, subject matter experts, training facilitators, and designers
- Designing and implementing Formal Mentor Programs
How is this delivered?
That really depends on how you need it structured, and how experienced and committed your people are.
However, Shane’s Coaching Action Plans are simply that – ACTION plans. They are not ‘random acts of kindness’, or ‘fluff-and-guff’ sessions. You know the type. You hire a coach and like some ‘high-flying astronaut’ they come flying in and regurgitate their war stories, have a laugh, buy the coffee and move on. Can be a good experience – but did you get the long-term results you were after?
How is this different to what else is out there?
Shane will formalise a coaching ACTION plan with your people, map out the areas to be addressed, and coach and drive your people to discover their talents, strengths and areas of opportunity to be better contributors to your business. You might have a wonderful leadership program in place for your people. Great. Shane can take that classroom theory, and make it mean something in the workplace. Why not get a return on that investment?
Shane calls it the UNLOCK and LOCK DOWN approach. UNLOCK the learnings and experience they already have stored up in their heads. LOCK DOWN a plan that will see them immediately transform into productive, accountable contributors.