“With all the training he has done with my team, Shane demonstrates drive and passion and makes the training not only enjoyable, but brings home the message and gets the best out of everyone.”
Shane provides facilitation that isn’t boring – all under the banner of ENTER-TRAIN-MENT!!
Seriously, how boring are a lot of workshops and training you have been to?? No wonder people aren’t inspired to develop or make a difference in the workplace!!
Workshops and training must be enjoyable – otherwise there is no aspiration to actually change things afterwards.
With Shane, robust and challenging learning abounds – and so does the enjoyment factor! Shane throws that in for free! It’s FUNdamental to rapid learning.
There are a few main ways Shane delivers training and workshops.
- One is with Shane Bywater’s specific sales, leadership and service programs through KapowTraining
- There is also a series of short, sharp training modules called SkillPills that are packaged 3 hour stints on specific skill sets
- You can also use Shane on your existing content and development programs
- Lastly, don’t forget Shane can also facilitate planning and strategy workshops, conferences, team building initiatives and the like
THIS IS A GUARANTEE. If you or your people don’t like the way Shane runs a workshop – then you have it for free! Simple as that.